
Learn from consumer brand industrial equipment manufacturers started playing social media

Beijing time on January 6, according tocar dvr foreign media reports, industrial equipment enterprises began to learn how to use social media marketing to consumer brands, use LinkedIn, Facebook or YouTube to the purchase of electronics components, industrial lubricants customers, generators and other advertising information.

Social media consulting company eMarketer senior analyst daibula·ahuo·weilianmusen (Debra Aho Williamson) said that industrial equipment companies as businesses increasingly use social media marketing part of the trend. Penton Media Inc of its publication Chief Marketer vehicle dvr survey conducted by September 2012, sales of products and services to other businesses in enterprise, 68% about the use of social media marketing, compared with 79% consumer brands use social media for marketing purposes. However, industrial equipment manufacturers development of social media marketing is still in its early stages, many companies are assessing the social media effect on the signing of the contract and complete transactions. Some companies found that using social media helps them to inform potential customers about shortening the sales cycle. However, these enterprises still feel, for example, almost no business integration of back-end systems and social media information, improving the efficiency of social marketing.

After positive sales targets set and the Board of Directors, President, contract electronics manufacturer Etratech over a year ago started using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google+. Etratech business development manager weilian·baluosi (William Burrows) said, "as a manufacturer, is one of the challenges we face, our brand is not a household name, so is very difficult to marketing in social media activities. ”

Etratech believes that manufacturing facilities are one of its main selling points, however, unless to enter the sales cycle, buyers usually do not visit their workshop. Baros said YouTube video makes Etratech sales to potential customers at the vehicle dvr beginning of engagement their manufacturing facilities, "helped contracts".

Etratech "stationed" more than social networking, potential customers can conduct research on Etratech before the face-to-face communication, help Etratech more quickly to sign the contract. Alex Barros said, now, shorten the sales cycle by 6-8 in the past months to 6-8 week.

Initially, some of the senior managers have a hesitation on starting a social media project. Alex Barros said, "this industry does not have a common border". In order to discourage managers staff will publish tweets and create unauthorized social media spend too much time worrying, Etratech decided to use social media marketing projects outsourced to ThomasNet.

Construction and mining equipment maker Caterpillar has launched a car dvr social media marketing projects. Caterpillar said that in order to cater for the different market segments, the company developed independent of Facebook sites for different customers, for example, construction, power generation, road construction, and financial services. Caterpillar also through YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ to communicate with customers. This year, the Caterpillar will also have social networking sites and Salesforce.com integration, when customers through Facebook or other social networks to engage with the Caterpillar is, it will turn the telephone to the call center. Caterpillar kaiwen·aisipinuosa Social Media Manager (Kevin g. Espinosa) said in an e-mail, "it was a great improvement for us. ”

Vice President of market research firm Constellation Research and Chief Analyst ailun·libofusiji (Alan Lepofsky), in order to derive maximum benefit from social media, other industrial equipment enterprises need social media projects and back-end system integration, make social media can direct inquiries, troubleshooting, product shipments, the latest information, "on Twitter and Facebook to share photos is fun, But it will not start for social social media project ". To reallycar dvr get value from social media, corporate social media integration with core business processes need to be, including software to manage relationships with customers and employees.

Baros said that Etratech scepticism over the social media marketing people on the success of the surprise. Last year, Etratech is mentioned on the Twitter is about 30,000 times. Etratech plan with ThomasNet to renew the contract, increase in service.

